Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas All Year 'Round

Oh, how I love Christmas. If you know me, you KNOW I do! ( PRe CHriStMAs: "Family, I know it is Thanksgiving Day, but we should go get our tree...we want to get the BEST one!" PoST ChrIStmaS: "Family, do you think our most beautiful tree can make it through to Valentine's Day?")

Even so, more than I love Christmas, I love Christ.

This year, Todd was sharing with our little family, some of his thoughts on Christmas and what it means. Here is what I heard from this man of mine...

So many times we get all ready for Christmas with decorations, presents and celebrations...as we should. But for us (The Hedgepeths), it needs to be more than a season, or time of year... Christmas is a way of life!

-Our lives are reflections (decorations) of Christ and His love for others.

-We have the priviledge of sharing (giving presents) the love and TRUTH of Christ with a hurting and needy world.

-Daily we celebrate who Christ is and what He has done through His redemption and restoration of our lives and the lives of those around the world.

What beautiful things to ponder.

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