Thursday, January 1, 2009

Snow Daze!

Oh, how lovely! The bitter cold has broken forth into warmer weather and snow. We just can't seem to get enough.

The snow started and even the deer came out to get in on the action.

Jackson got into my dad's hunting gear and was off to shovel the drive way and learn how to run the snowblower. He loved it!

Christmas Day brought more snow play! The snow was perfect for snowballs and snow forts. The cousins were here to celebrate Christmas and fun was had by all!

(They did not fall off the roof! I took this picture, of the snow angels, from the deck above).

Todd got his turn in the hunting suit. He took down the boys and puppy, Lucy, tried to take Todd down!

You know, people used to talk to me about handling the cold, and how being from Minnesota really makes me more inclined to cold climates...really I think it is just that being a "Minnesotan" only allows for me to know how to dress for it!

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