Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Day in the Life of Jackson

Oh, if I could just get inside that head of his!

Today was just "one of those days." I don't complain, but sometimes life can be challenging ...an understatement I know! Everyone has those kinds of days. Ones where we cry out for more grace, please. (Sometimes, I am not sure how much can be blamed on autism and how much is having a mom who is a bit obsessive/compulsive. Friends, this is where you can confirm or deny...ha!)

Here it is, just a glimpse...

We have a chocolate lab named Cookie. She eats dog food which I keep in this nifty container on the patio. It is Jackson's job to feed and water her each day.

Last week, I noticed we were low on the dog food so I hoofed it to Target to restock. Of course, being the thrifty person I am, I bought the 44 pound bag that said "Limited Offer" in red print on the side of the bag. I was so thankful for the deal that I got. I kept the food in the back of the van until we would need it.

Today was the day that Jack felt we needed it. He started pouring it into the nifty container at a quick pace. Annastasia told him to slow down...too late. So, now my "deal" has overflowed it's container, spilling over onto the patio. Jackson diligently swept it up. He then brings the half full (or half empty?) bag into the house.

Oh, the smell of fresh dog food...

He goes to the cupboard and pulls out the gallon sized Ziploc storage bags. What in the world?

Seriously. You need to laugh or you will cry. I do not have any idea of what is next. I do know that I need to let him do what he has his mind set on doing or we will all have a horrible night!

He sits in the hallway...

And begins to empty the remainder of the dog food (approx. 22 lbs.) into Ziploc bags...to keep it fresh of course!

I'm surprised he didn't get out the Tupperware, or maybe the seal a meal (which we do not have!)

The one thing that I can think of here is that we do harvest pecans from out backyard. Once we shell them, we place them in QUART size bags and place them in the freezer. Oh my! I hope I do not wake up to find the dog food neatly labeled and stored in the freezer. I have to draw the line somewhere!!!
Honestly...my life is NEVER boring...exhausting, but never boring!!


Amy Reece Spahr said...

WOOOW! lol
he is one smart cookie (no pun intended :)

Karyn said...

oh to have been there to see it! Maybe Target will run a special on ziplocs? I love Amy's "cookie" comment!

Sharon said...

Too bad you didn't have those GIANT ziploc's. (Didn't know about those until we traveled to China and others used them for laundry). At least he picked up his mess. SWEET 17 yr old!!!

leslie said...

Oh Vickie, How wonderful that he knew to save the amount that would no fit in your "nifty" container. As I read this I just wanted to hug you and Jackson!!

Megan said...

How funny is this! He is so detailed. At least he completes a job! That is hard to come by.

The lady of the house... said...

like Mother, like son....organized and task oriented....and when a good idea hits, RUN WITH IT NOW!!!
xoxoxo from 128 Lancaster Ave.